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Welcome to Mathern Community Council

Mathern Community  Council is the grass roots voice of local government for Mathern, Mounton and Pwllmeyric and comprises nine local Councillors. Meetings are normally held on the second Monday of each month in the small meeting room at Mathern Village Hall.

Dear residents

You will hopefully be aware of the current consultation Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) is conducting on the Replacement Local Development Plan(RLDP) for Monmouthshire. This is an extremely important Plan and sets the policy direction for future developments in Monmouthshire. It states where development should take place and how much of it.

Currently MCC have approved a high growth strategy for developments within the County meaning that over the life of the plan (2018  to 2033) a further 7605 to 8366 homes are planned to be built in the County. The plan proposes to place the majority of these homes (58%) adjacent to existing key towns such as Chepstow, Monmouthshire and Abergavenny resulting in those towns footprint inevitably increasing. The status of existing ‘Green Belt’ or ‘Green Wedge’ land will  be reviewed in this process and may disappear. In addition 28% of the proposed development is outlines for the Severnside area (from Portskewett to Magor).

For Mathern, Pwllmeyric and Mounton this means that landowners have put forward potential sites for consideration which effectively, if accepted by MCC, will join all three villages with Chepstow.

As a Community Council we have responded to previous Consultations, a copy of which is included under Notices in our website.

It is important that individual residents respond to the next consultation on Candidate sites  expected to be in late summer/autumn this year so that the weight of feelings is effectively communicated. Monmouthshire county council do not wish to receive comments on candidate sites at this stage until the consultation on all of  the Candidate Sites opens.

However, you may wish to prepare for this by making your own notes on the different sites by referencing their  C numbers in advance. The Second Candidate site register replaces and supersedes the initial site register, so this is the one to look at.

Links to the consultation are noted under ‘Notices’ on our website and we are happy if you copy comments we have made if you support them.

Remember that developers and interested parties are also submitting comments in support of the development plans, not just those that object. Clearly how you respond is your issue but now is the time to make comment if you have a view on this matter.

Kind regards


Councillor David Harris – Chairman (Mathern)

Councillor – Matt Sidwell (Vice Chairman) (Mathern)

Councillor Jayne Harris (Mathern)
Councillor Gareth Page (Pwllmeyric)
Councillor Sylvia Stevens (Pwllmeyric)

Councillor David Carne (Mounton)

The Clerk to the Council is Mrs Jane Kelley.

The Community is represented on Monmouthshire County Council by County Councillor Louise Brown.

Each year the Council sets a “precept” on the Council Tax as a means of raising funds from the community for reinvestment in the community for communal benefit.

The next Community Council election will be held in 2026. If a vacancy arises during the four year term the Council will advertise the vacancy and invite members of the community to apply to be co-opted to the Community Council Committee.

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