Finance Meeting Minutes

December 2020

Financial Meeting Monday 7th December 2020
Via Zoom
Present – Councillors. D Harris, C Ovenden, J Harris, D Merrett, M Sidwell, S Stevens and J Anderson
Also present – Clerk Jane Kelley
Apologies – None
1) Review of current budget 2020/21. Discussion on year to date funds not yet spent.

All Councillors had been circulated with an Alpha Detailed Receipts and Payments schedule and an Excel spreadsheet showing 2020/21 spending -to -date.

The Clerk had also circulated a letter from the Welsh Government outlining Section 137(A) of the Local Government Act 1972 – Limits for 2020/2021.
The appropriate sum for the purposes of section 137(4) is calculated by applying the formula
set out in schedule 12B to the 1972 Act.
This means that the maximum Section 137 sum for 2019/2020 increases from £8.32 to £8.41 per elector.

The number of electors in our area is 851

Councillors were satisfied with the spending to date figures and agreed that these are on track for all precept monies to be allocated as budgeted. Areas highlighted were:
• Grants – Councillors expected that remaining funds would be allocated at the February meeting.
A grant of £100 was unanimously agreed for MCC Christmas Sparkle Appeal. Clerk to arrange for the payment to be sent by Bacs.

2) Budget setting 2021/2022

The three-year forecast was circulated to all councillors to help with setting the budget for 2021/2022

• It was agreed that Churchyard Maintenance (4105) would remain unchanged i.e. Mathern – £400, Mounton £200.00 St Pierre – £150.00. – Only to precept £750.00 next year.

• The Outlook monthly fee of £4.50 per Cllr is a new expenditure for next year and will be included next year at a cost of £40.50 per month, payable by Bank transfer on the 1st of each month.

• Clerk’s salary, PAYE and pension payments will continue to be paid at the same rate and by online monthly payment at the end of the month. Any Pay increases due will be discussed when advised by NALCC,

• Membership subscriptions still outstanding to pay OVW and RBS software (Accounts).

An amount of £500.00 was set aside to start the community plan in 2022/2023.
Speed flashing sign to be investigated. An amount of £1500 was set aside for this. However Cllrs noted that the Welsh Government would facilitate this in 2023 when Welsh government would amend all villages to be a 20 Mile zone.
Clerks expenses for working from home to be increased by £50.00 to £400 per annum to be paid half yearly March and October.
As per Community Council policy, grants will be allocated at meetings in December, February, May and August. Unallocated grant monies for 2020/2021 will be distributed at the February 2020 meeting so that a nil sum is carried over.

3) Possible Transfer of funds to EMR with detailed items – To general Reserves.
£1500.00 from Defib to be transferred into general reserves
£3300.00 from War Memorial to be transferred into general reserves.
4) Review of the 3 year forecast. To set the Precept 2021/22
This was discussed at the November meeting and finalised

Current Bank Balances HSBC Community Account £7487.01

         Barclays Bank Deposit         £10581.37  

Solar Farm Community Benefit of £1000.00 is due in April 2021.
In conclusion, Councillors agreed a Budget spend of £ 21000.00 for the year 2021/2022.
It was unanimously agreed that the 2020/2021 precept should be £ 21000.00
Authorisation for the Clerk to complete and submit the precept request for 2021/22

Clerk to email all updated and agreed spreadsheets after this meeting to ensure that all Cllrs have up to date documents together with the up to date three year forecast.

5) Planning

DM/2020/01671 – The old Gym Mounton House Park – Replace existing steel gate with oak gate. Block up an existing pedestrian entrance and form a new pedestrian entrance with an oak gate (including associated alternations to path) Erect a stick fence (post and wire) to boundary.
No Comment
DM/2020/01717 – Yewtree Cottage – Renovation extension and remodelling of existing barn to provided one bedroom annexe to the main dwelling.
No Comment
DM/2020/01676 – Palace Farm Cottage – Erection of 2 no roofs over existing outdoor cattle yards.
No Comment

6) Payments Made since November meeting
Bacs Payments
13.11.2020 Sympathy Cards £4.49
27.11.2020 Salary £552.91
27.11.2020 Paye £138.00
01.12.2020 SLCC £126.00
07.12.2020 Stock It Ltd £13.20
07.12.2020 Merlin Waste £42.25
08.12.2020 Christmas Sparkle £100.00 Grant
7) Any other business
Response Owners Mounton Brook Lodge re planning consultation
The following response was received following our consultation notes to MCC>
In response to the comments dated 10th November from Mathern Council regarding planning for a storage/staff room/offices structure, we would like to first make a point that the storage container (not containers) was NOT installed when the development of the building took place, in actual fact it was installed 12 months later as we were desperate for extra storage.
We feel that the new building would be much more aesthetically pleasing than the unsightly container that is there at present – please see letter attached regarding parking clarification sent to Monmouthshire planning today responding to Cllr Louise Brown concerns dated 02/11/20.
The parking on the side of the road has happened twice in the time we have been operating and since, we have done our upmost to resolve this matter in seeking ‘overflow’ parking in the field next to us which will be used on the very rare occasion for a larger event (a funeral wake) than one of our normal/average events or weddings.
To clarify, the proposed new building will not impact parking whatsoever.
I have to say, we feel extremely disappointed in Mathern Council that once again we have lack of their support when it comes to planning.
Update Highways Meeting with MCC

  1. MCC Traffic Team will arrange for 4 x sets of ATC loops to be installed asap, 2 x either end of the village, 1 x in the middle and 1 x on Mathern Rd (lane leading to Bulwark)
  2. Cllr Pratt will contact MCC Highways Operations team to request the existing carriageway markings through the village are inspected and remedial measures instigated where necessary
  3. Community Council to consider purchasing 2 x speed indicator devices (flashing signs which tells the motorist what speed they are doing) MCC Traffic Team will obtain quotes for supply and installation
  4. MCC Traffic Team will develop an improved signing/lining scheme for the village including highlighting the 30mph gateway at the entry point.
  5. The results of the ATC survey (speed, volume & classification) will inform any future road safety scheme (consultation/communication with residents will be important.)
  6. It is anticipated that Mathern village will become a 20mph zone when future legislation regarding the reduction of the national urban speed limit from 30mph to 20mph becomes law in 2023.

Update progress with New speed volunteer group Mathern Village .
Meeting arranged for Sunday 6th December 16 – 18 volunteers very positive moving forward with Go safe to arrange for sharing of equipment.
Approval of annual return following external Audit.
External Audit – To approve the Annual Report 2019/2020 and accept the findings of the external auditor to follow recommendations made.
It was resolved to approve the External Audit results received and the Annual Return has now been approved and accepted by the Council. Some small issues were arising and the report on these was presented to the Council. All recommendations made by the internal auditor were agreed and would be actioned.
The annual return and notice of conclusion of audit has been displayed in a conspicuous place and on the website for 14 days.
Council awaiting Wales Audit office invoice which had not been received to date.
Co-option Councillor Pwllmeyric
One letter of interest has been received. All Cllrs unanimously voted to accept this candidate and the clerk was asked to contact him to invite him to the next meeting.

Next Meeting Monday 11th January 2021 at 7 pm to be confirmed if zoom or at the village hall following Government guidelines at this time.

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